When Mayor Muriel Bowser and the DC Department of General Services (DC DGS) decide to do something, they get it done. Their energy and passion is inspiring.

It is that drive and passion for solar energy that drove the 50-site, 11 MW solar rooftop project they—and Standard Solar and its partners–cut the ribbon on yesterday at HD Woodson High School, which is host to both a carport and rooftop array.

We at Standard Solar were involved from the project’s inception, first as the team leader for the design and construction for more than 7 MW of the project, and for the next 2MWs as the financier and mentor to a group of emerging DC small businesses. This project holds special value to the region and our team for various reasons.

LR Brookland First, as a local company with local experience (employing a number of DC residents), we were ready. Over the past ten years we have grown through implementing many high-profile DC projects. This experience positioned us to lead the teams with what is essentially a hometown project whose size and scope were almost unprecedented. At more than 11 MW distributed across all eight Wards, the project is one of the largest municipal projects in the country. We demonstrated we were the right choice to have handled the logistical and engineering challenges the project posed across some 50 sites.

Secondly, we were able to build on our EPC strengths and deploy our new solar project fund to provide project funding and mentoring for about 20 sites awarded and designated for DC small businesses, in this case PEER Consulting. Our new funding capability is the result of our being acquired by Énergir last year. That acquisition has provided us with over $300 million in low-cost capital to use on projects like this.

Thirdly, in addition to being a complex project, its completion further elevated DC to be recognized as the first LEED Platinum certified city in the world. Not just the United States. The world. It just goes to show that Mayor Bowser’s vision of Washington DC as a world leader when it comes to renewable energy and its use in municipal settings is right on time—and she’s not done yet.

Standing there on the podium next to her and the rest of the DGS team, I was struck again by what can be accomplished if we commit to a common purpose. It wasn’t easy, but all members of the team were committed to making this project happen and… so … it… happened.

Yesterday’s ribbon cutting was a proud day for Washington DC, Mayor Bowser, DGS and, of course, the Standard Solar team. Thanks to everyone who made this project possible.