Standard Solar will bring significant savings to area organizations through  its acquisition of a 6.2 W worth of community solar arrays in Portsmouth, RI

Standard Solar acquired two ground-mount community solar projects – West Main 1 and West Main 2 – from developer Trina Solar. The projects, projected to be completed in 2023, are located in Portsmouth, RI. The arrays will bring clean energy savings to subscribers who are a mix of state and federal agencies, municipalities, public housing authorities, public and private schools, nonprofits, and hospitals. The subscribers are all in the National Grid service territory.

The arrays will help Rhode Island meet its clean energy goal of reaching 100% of the state’s electricity demand with renewable energy by 2030 and will generate significant long-term investment, savings and job growth opportunities for the local economies.

Both installations are projected to produce about 8,600 MWh of clean energy each year, the equivalent of offsetting CO2 emissions from 4,134,853 pounds of coal burned, charging 454,600,730 smartphones or 727 homes’ electricity use for one year.