Girls achieve their Silver Award badge by mapping out the municipal energy saving 3.4 MW solar system and geothermal projects in town

ROCKVILLE, MDApril 21, 2017 — The Town of Stafford’s (Connecticut) Earth Day Event this Saturday, April 22nd, will feature the 3.4 MW solar system that Standard Solar, a leading solar energy company specializing in the development and financing of commercial solar electric systems nationwide, completed in November.

The Earth Day event is a joint effort between Girl Scout Cadet Troop 60614 and Stafford’s Energy Advisory Committee (EAC) and will highlight the town’s renewable energy efforts. The program, which will run from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., is free and open to the public.

Those who wish to see some of the town’s energy saving projects up close will be able to take a bus tour from the event to first visit the electric vehicle charging stations at town hall, and then on to the 2-MW solar array and geothermal heating system at the school and library complexes.

“We commend Girl Scout Cadet Troop 60614 for their commitment to highlighting the process of protecting the environment with such a great event,” said John Finnerty, director of project development, Standard Solar. “And we’re thrilled to have played our part in helping this thriving community move closer to its goals of reaching a net-zero carbon footprint. We look forward to Saturday’s festivities.”

The SEAC is part of Sustainable CT, a partnership of municipal leaders, philanthropic foundations, the Institute for Sustainable Energy, and other stakeholders, who share information about energy saving projects. It played a pivotal role in building support for the solar project.

SEAC member Gene Julian said they hope to draw people from other towns who are interested in doing similar energy saving projects themselves by providing tours of the system and letting people know that Stafford’s collection of solar arrays will power 80% of the town’s buildings and offset:

  • The equivalent greenhouse gas emissions from driving 7,410,973 miles in an average passenger car.
  • The equivalent CO2 emissions from 3,299,687 pounds of coal burned
  • The carbon sequestered by 2,927 acres of U.S. forest for one year

The 11,780 panel virtual net-metered system featuring three arrays: two at Stafford Middle School and an array at the Town’s closed landfill, will offset all of the school’s electrical usage and most of the Town’s other municipal buildings.

“This project should be a model for other towns and businesses across the U.S. to follow. We should all recognize and applaud the significance of this achievement,” said Scott Wiater, president and CEO, Standard Solar.

About Standard Solar
Standard Solar, Inc. is a leading solar energy company specializing in the development and financing of solar electric systems nationwide. Dedicated to making Distributed Generation (DG) solar more accessible to businesses, institutions, governments and utilities, the company is forging the path for clean, renewable energy development through turnkey solutions. With more than 100 megawatts installed, financed or maintained, Standard Solar is one of the most trusted and respected solar companies. Named one of the Fastest Growing Private Companies in America for four consecutive years by Inc. Magazine, Standard Solar operates nationally and is headquartered in Rockville, Md. For more information, please visit

PR Contact
Leah Wilkinson
Wilkinson + Associates for Standard Solar