Asset Management and O&M

Solutions for Community, Commercial and Utility-Scale Solar

Vigilant Energy Management (Vigilant) is the premier community, commercial and utility-scale solar energy management and asset management company. Specializing in solar photovoltaic (PV) and battery energy storage systems, our mission is to ensure renewable energy assets are operating safely and to peak expectations.

Vigilant Energy Asset Management oversees an expanding portfolio of solar and battery assets, offering innovative and cost-effective strategies to optimize asset performance. Our skilled team manages invoicing, reporting, compliance & regulatory obligations, contracting, and portfolio administration activities across the fleet. The Asset Management team is also responsible for Community Solar in addition to Solar Renewable Energy Credit transactions and optimizing each project’s revenue performance and supporting ancillary revenue opportunities.

Find out more about SRECS
Find out more about Community Solar

Vigilant Energy Management provides comprehensive O&M services throughout the lifecycle of solar PV and energy storage systems. Leveraging our expertise in operating and managing hundreds of megawatts of PV systems nationwide, we understand the critical importance of ongoing O&M, a consideration often overlooked by solar and battery system owners. Relying solely on routine maintenance activities can result in equipment failure and, in certain instances, pose safety risks. To safeguard your bottom line, our knowledgeable professionals have developed services and support aimed at maximizing production and ensuring the continuous operation of your system.

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Whether it’s O&M or asset management, Vigilant’s team provides industry-leading professional services and innovative solutions to maximize your clean energy investment.

Let’s Talk Solar Development & Funding Solutions

Make your commercial or community solar project a reality by leveraging our proven development approach that includes in-house funding, acquisition and long-term asset ownership. Together, we can build something that will stand the test of time and maximize returns for the duration.

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