Solar Panels Daytime
Funding & Acquisitions

Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs)

This popular financing structure offers a variety of benefits for businesses, municipalities and other institutions who want to benefit from solar to save on utilities, monetize their assets and meet ongoing sustainability goals.


Install a solar array with no upfront capital costs

PPAs are among the most common forms of commercial solar financing because they don’t require an upfront investment. Customers host a solar array on site and commit to purchasing the power generated by the array for the duration of the agreement, usually 20-25 years.

Monetize underutilized spaces and benefit from fixed electricity costs

As a solar array host, unused or underused spaces like rooftops and parking lots can be leveraged for long-term financial benefits. PPAs allow our customers to lock in fixed monthly energy costs providing ongoing stability to the company’s bottom line.

Meet sustainability goals by generating renewable energy on site

Entering into a PPA solidifies progress towards corporate sustainability goals and showcases an ongoing commitment to production and consumption of renewable energy.

Purchase discounted solar power without maintaining the array yourself

Under your PPA, the long-term monitoring, maintenance and operation falls to Standard Solar as the long-term owner-operator. This saves our customers the time and effort of hiring or training specialized employees to handle the intricacies of your solar array.

We are excited to pioneer these innovative solar projects through the use of Standard Solar’s PPA, enabling LEUSD to reduce its carbon footprint with a zero cost to district solution and enjoy the savings on the energy procurement for the next 25 years.

Dr. Doug Kimberly

Superintendent, LEUSD

Let’s Talk Solar Development & Funding Solutions

Make your commercial or community solar project a reality by leveraging our proven development approach that includes in-house funding, acquisition and long-term asset ownership. Together, we can build something that will stand the test of time and maximize returns for the duration.

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