Environmental Market Services

SREC Trading

Achieve your renewable goals with Environmental Attributes from an industry leader

Increasingly, American businesses are seeking to impact climate change. They want to help reduce our nation’s carbon footprint and demonstrate their commitment to sustainability. Purchasing SRECs from Standard Solar is an optimal way for an organization to realize an effective climate strategy.

Our high-quality, cost-competitive SRECs span multiple states and markets and come from a pool of solar assets owned and operated by Standard Solar. As a result, you can be confident that your organization is supporting the development of viable, long-term solar energy projects. This is in contrast to SRECs pulled from a pool of certificates purchased by a supplier.

A Solar Renewable Energy Certificate (SREC) is a common type of Environmental Attribute that are tradable credits purchased by electric utilities that proves they procured a certain percentage of their energy from solar power. Each SREC represents the environmental benefits of one megawatt hour of solar energy generation. A PV system owner earns income by selling SRECs associated with their system’s output (in the form of these electronic certificates) into their state SREC market.

Use Environmental Attributes To Support Your Green Energy Strategy

SRECs Simplify Sustainability: The easiest, cost-effective way to go green, offset carbon emissions and support renewable energy.

Ideal for Any Location: Overcome geographic limitations with SRECs, offsetting credits against traditional energy sources.

Cost-Effective and Low-Maintenance: Avoid upfront capital investments and ongoing upkeep, with just a 5%-10% increase in energy spending.

Effortless Emissions Reduction: Achieve sustainability goals, meet compliance requirements and showcase environmental stewardship with ease through SRECs.

SREC Annuity/Fixed Sales: Opt to sell SRECs at an agreed-upon fixed price, regardless of what they sell for, and receive compensation you can count on.

SRECs From Standard Solar’s Trusted Pool of Assets

Standard Solar Partners With:

Many forward-thinking businesses are looking to effectively manage their impact on the environment and society. Our SREC program offers a unique opportunity for you to meet your organization’s Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) goals. A significant portion of Standard Solar’s assets are community solar farms that help make solar a reality for all, including renters and low- and middle-income communities that might not otherwise have access to solar savings. Investing in our SRECs means you are supporting your company’s social goals as well as your environmental goals.

Ultimately, your organization reaps the environmental benefits and participates in forwarding our nation’s energy transformation, no matter where you source your power.

Let’s Talk Solar Development & Funding Solutions

Make your commercial or community solar project a reality by leveraging our proven development approach that includes in-house funding, acquisition and long-term asset ownership. Together, we can build something that will stand the test of time and maximize returns for the duration.

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