Windhub Solar B Solar Project
Kern County, California
The Windhub Solar B project, located in Kern County, California, is set to add 25 megawatts (MWdc) of renewable energy to the state’s grid while preserving the local Western Joshua Tree habitat.
Strategically positioned to interconnect with the Windhub Substation, the project will provide clean energy to Southern California Edison, supporting the utility’s commitment to delivering 100% carbon-free power by 2045.
Spanning 160 acres, the project dedicates 112 acres to a ground-mount solar array and preserves a portion of the land to protect a native Joshua Tree grove, minimizing environmental impact and promoting biodiversity. Once operational, Windhub Solar B is expected to produce approximately 56,674 megawatt hours (MWh) of renewable energy annually, meeting the growing demand for sustainable electricity in the region and strengthening the reliability of California’s power grid.
In addition to its environmental benefits, the project will contribute to the local economy by creating construction jobs and generating long-term economic value through increased tax revenue and community investments. Construction is scheduled to begin in the first half of 2025, marking an important step toward a cleaner and more sustainable energy future for California.
Economic Impact
The Windhub Solar B project will deliver significant economic benefits to Kern County by creating local construction jobs and supporting the regional workforce. Over its 40-year lifespan, the project will contribute millions of dollars in machinery, tools and labor, strengthening the local economy. Additionally, Windhub Solar B will generate long-term tax revenue, funding essential community services and infrastructure. By investing in renewable energy, the project promotes both economic growth and environmental sustainability.
Clean Energy Impact
The Windhub Solar B project will generate approximately 56,764 MWh of clean electricity annually, advancing California’s renewable energy goals and supporting Southern California Edison’s transition to carbon-free power. By offsetting an estimated 27,340 tCO2e each year, it significantly reduces emissions while enhancing local energy resilience. With more than 40,000 solar panels, the project provides enough electricity to power 7,900 homes, positioning Kern County as a leader in the state’s renewable energy transition.
Land Restoration & Protection
The Windhub Solar B project prioritizes environmental stewardship by integrating solar energy development with conservation efforts. Of the 160-acre site, 48 acres are preserved to protect over 14,000 native Joshua Trees, ensuring biodiversity and minimizing ecological impact. The project’s design includes native vegetation to prevent erosion and control dust while using minimal water—saving 670 million gallons annually. A decommissioning bond guarantees full land restoration after the project’s 40-year lifespan, demonstrating a long-term commitment to sustainability.
Kern County, California
Project Size
25 MWdc
Timeline to operation
Project construction is slated to begin in the first half of 2025
Use is long-term, but temporary, and the land can be reclaimed for farming, timberland, etc.
The Windhub Solar B project, located in Kern County, California, is set to add 25 MWdc of renewable energy to the state’s grid while preserving the local Western Joshua Tree habitat. Strategically positioned to interconnect with the Windhub Substation, the project will provide clean energy to Southern California Edison, supporting the utility’s commitment to delivering 100% carbon-free power by 2045.
Economic Impact
The project will provide a steady source of tax revenue to support local schools, emergency services and public infrastructure.
Windhub Solar B will reduce reliance on fossil fuels, helping Kern County meet clean energy goals while boosting regional resilience.
Local suppliers and businesses will benefit from increased demand for materials and services during construction and ongoing operations.
Goodwill Industries, VA, 0.5 MWdc
Port Newark Container Terminal, NJ, 3.29 MWdc
Clean Energy Impact
Windhub Solar B’s clean energy output is equivalent to the carbon sequestration of 27,424 acres of U.S. forests annually.
The project helps displace emissions from fossil-fuel power generation, reinforcing California’s decarbonization strategy.
By locally generating renewable energy, Windhub Solar B strengthens grid reliability and supports a more resilient energy future for Kern County.
Land Restoration and Protection
The project will not disturb local streams or the Antelope Valley water table, preserving regional water resources.
Solar energy operations require little to no water, saving the equivalent of over 1,000 Olympic swimming pools each year.
A comprehensive biological survey guided the site’s design, ensuring responsible land use and ecological protection.
Shepherds Mill, MD, 2.77 MWdc
Project Location
Where is Windhub Solar B located and is it visible from public roads?
The Windhub Solar B project is located in Kern County, California, approximately six miles west of the town of Mojave, on the base of the Tehachapi Mountains. The area surrounding the project is home to several wind and solar farms that harness the region’s abundant renewable resources.
Who owns the land on which Windhub Solar B is built?
The California State Lands Commission owns the land on which the Windhub B project is built. This land will be leased for a period of 40 years (2025-2065), spanning the construction, use, maintenance and decommissioning of the project.
Safety & Operations
How do solar panels work?
Solar panels work by converting sunlight into electricity through a process called the photovoltaic effect. Each panel is made up of many solar cells, typically composed of silicon, a material that can absorb sunlight. When sunlight hits these cells, it excites electrons, creating an electric current. This current is collected and directed through wires to power homes, businesses, or the electrical grid. Solar panels are often installed in arrays to capture as much sunlight as possible, and they work best in sunny locations. By harnessing the sun’s energy, solar panels provide a clean, renewable source of electricity without producing harmful emissions.
What happens after the useful life of a solar project?
At Standard Solar, we are committed to sustainability throughout the entire lifecycle of our projects. The NL – MA project will produce electricity for 20 years. After this time, when the project reaches the end of its operational life, there are well-established processes to ensure responsible repowering or decommissioning and recycling.
Standard Solar has programs and policies in place to safely remove equipment, restore the land to its original state, and recycle materials like glass, metal, and silicon from the solar panels. Such programs allow Standard Solar to minimize waste and support the circular economy, ensuring that renewable energy remains a sustainable solution for the generations to come.
Do solar projects make noise?
Solar projects are designed to operate quietly, making them an ideal option for generating renewable energy without disrupting nearby communities, agriculture, or wildlife.
The primary components–solar panels–make no noise during operation. Some equipment, like inverters or transformers, may produce a low humming (up to 60 dB) sound when converting solar energy into electricity, but this noise is minimal and typically only noticeable when close to the equipment. Overall, solar projects are a clean, quiet and community-friendly energy solution.Additionally, this project is in an area where the distance from homes further reduces any potential sound impact.
Will the project produce glare?
The design of solar projects, including this one, minimizes the potential for glare. Solar panels are specifically engineered to absorb sunlight, not reflect it, as their primary function is to convert sunlight into electricity. Modern panels are coated with anti-reflective materials to further reduce any reflection. Additionally, projects undergo detailed studies and modeling during the planning phase to ensure they do not create glare that could affect nearby residents, drivers, aviation, and wildlife.
Environment & Wildlife
How will the project manage erosion and stormwater during its lifetime?
The project is designed with comprehensive measures to manage erosion, stormwater and dust control effectively throughout its lifetime, ensuring minimal impact on the surrounding environment. Before construction begins, the site undergoes a thorough assessment, and best management practices are implemented, including silt fences, sediment basins and buffer zones, to control runoff during the building phase. Once operational, the site will be stabilized with native vegetation, including big galleta grass, desert marigold, prickly poppy, California buckwheat and saltbush or ground cover to prevent soil erosion and manage stormwater naturally. Regular monitoring and maintenance will ensure that erosion, stormwater and dust controls remain effective for the duration of the project.
What is the impact on area wildlife?
The project’s impact on area wildlife has been carefully considered in the planning of the project to minimize disruption to local ecosystems. Before construction, detailed environmental studies are conducted to identify sensitive habitats and species. For this project, special care has been taken to protect the native Western Joshua Tree (Yucca brevifolia) habitat, with 48- acres set aside for preservation to maintain biodiversity.*
Additionally, measures such as wildlife-friendly fencing and vegetation buffers are incorporated to allow animals to move safely around the site. Once operational, solar projects are constantly monitored to ensure they continue to have a minimal impact and remain compliant with local, state, and federal regulations on biodiversity and ecosystem protection.*
The project construction and operations phases have been designed to look after the following protected and vulnerable native species:
- Desert tortoise (Gopherus agassizii)
- Mohave ground squirrel (Xerospermophilus mohavensis)
- Western burrowing owl (Athene cunicularia)
- Swainson’s Hawk (Buteo Swainsonii)
- American Badger (Taxidea taxus)
- Desert Kit Fox (Vulpes Macrotis)