Delaware Tech Celebrates Completion

of Statewide Solar Energy System


          Delaware Governor John Carney and Delaware Tech President Mark Brainard, along with state and local officials, celebrated the completion of Delaware Tech’s statewide solar energy system at the College’s Charles L. Terry Campus in Dover today. The recently completed solar carport array near the campus entrance from Scarborough Road is the last of nine projects to erect solar arrays at all four Delaware Tech campus locations. The statewide system includes carports, ground mounts and rooftop arrays.


            “This partnership with Standard Solar and Urban Grid, combined with our other energy saving initiatives, has helped us exceed our goal of a 20% reduction in the College’s carbon footprint by 2020 three years ahead of schedule,” said Dr. Mark T. Brainard, president of Delaware Tech. “These arrays provide both economic and educational benefits for the College and our students.”


            The solar arrays are expected to offset approximately 12 percent of the annual total energy needs for Delaware Tech. The project statewide is one of the largest solar systems in Delaware and was funded as part of a 20-year power purchase agreement with Standard Solar.


            “Delaware Tech sets an example for other institutions to follow,” said Governor John Carney. “They are not only educating and training the future leaders in energy management and solar energy. They are providing inspiration to their students and the community by making these kinds of investments, which are both environmentally and fiscally responsible.”


            Phase One of the project, which was completed in December 2013, included:

  • A solar carport and rooftop array at the Wilmington Campus
  • Rooftop arrays at the Stanton and Dover Campuses
  • Ground mounted panels at the Georgetown Campus

Phase Two, which was just completed, included:

  • Rooftop arrays at the Georgetown and Dover Campuses
  • The solar carport array at the Dover Campus


The completion of the solar array project demonstrates the College’s commitment to green energy and complements its energy management education and training programs statewide. The combination of the solar arrays, the work being done by campus energy task forces, the construction of approximately $7 million in energy conservation measures, and participation in the state aggregate power purchasing program has resulted in a 25% reduction in the College’s carbon footprint.

Contact: Christine Gillan                                                                                                                                     

(302) 857-1689​